This recipe came about in the way that many great recipes do, completely by accident. We’d invited the whole family over for dinner and I sent Tal to the market to do the shopping. Now, the first thing you should know is that I normally never send Tal to the market on...
This is the same recipe I posted for adults, but this version gets a playful makeover that’s perfect for kids. The animal faces are quite simple to make. The only special tool they require is a small fluted ring cutter for the owl’s wings. Although, if you got...
This is one of my favorite simple meals to prepare. It’s loaded with veggies, looks beautiful, and is positively simple to prepare. All you need is a sheet pan, and twenty minutes to get the veggies and chicken oven ready. Dinner prep is done. So far, I can’t get...
Spanakorizo is a traditional Greek recipe. It is to the Greeks what risotto is to the Italians. A typical recipe is made with long-grain rice, spinach, and dill. Some recipes use only lemon juice, no tomato. But my yiayia always made her version with both tomato and...
Talya refuses to eat boxed macaroni and cheese. She’s only two. Yet, that neon-orange color, and not exactly cheese flavor, don’t fool her. She presses the pasta to her lips, gives her head a violent shake, and pushes the plate away. Most moms might think it takes too...