Back-to-School Lunch

Talya just started Early Explorers. It’s a preschool program that’s offered at her daycare facility. But my girl is a creature of habit. So, even though she has some of the same teachers, she was less than thrilled to be down the hall in the “big kids’ room.” Even stuffed dogs and lady bugs painted on the walls couldn’t improve her mood. I would drop her off and she’d point to her old room and say, “no mommy, that way.”

Fortunately, it only took a week for Talya to get into the swing of things in her new class room. They have art time, story time, free play, and all the kids sit down and have lunch together. Yesterday I picked her up and she wasn’t ready to leave. She was wearing a cape and singing the super hero song from Super Why. We stayed a while, and I (naturally) put on a cape, too.
So, for all the other moms out there struggling to keep their kids happy and well fed, here are some fun lunchbox recipe ideas for you.

Back-to-School Lunch
Serves 1
2 small pancakes (remeber last week I told you to make extras!) cut the pancakes with a large fluted round cookie cutter. You can easily purchase these on Amazon. Or, simply leave the pancakes as they are.
For 3 great fillings try
3 tablespoons almond butter and 1 1/2 tablespoosn strawberry jam
1 scrambled egg with 1 tablespoon maple syrup and 1 slice mild cheddar cheese
2 thick slices of roasted turkey with 2 tablespoons cranberry jelly and 1 slice sharp cheddar cheese
For a nutritious side snack try fresh fruit with a yogurt and chia seed dip. I suggest berries, grapes and apple slices or banana.
For yogurt that packs a nutritional punch, try Brainiac. One tube has as much choline as a cup of broccoli and is loaded with the same omega fatty acids you get in salmon. Talya will happily eat salmon and broccol, but they aren’t exactly lunchbox friendly foods. So, I save them for dinner and stick to a more fun filled (but healthy) lunch!

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