The Perfect Flan

The Perfect Flan

The Perfect Flan Last year, I promised to make my mom flan for her birthday. But like most things in 2020 that plan blew up BIG TIME. Instead of celebrating with us, my ever so cautious mother spent it at home, sick with COVID. Needless to say, it was a scary time for...
Spooktacular Halloween Cupcakes

Spooktacular Halloween Cupcakes

Spooktacular Halloween Cupcakes Let’s face it, Halloween is going to be a bit different this year. While we might not be planning for a big costume party or epic night of trick-or-treating, Halloween can still be a ton of fun. I’ve ordered a bunch of...
German Plum Cake a.k.a. Pflaumenkuchen

German Plum Cake a.k.a. Pflaumenkuchen

German Plum Cake a.k.a. Pflaumenkuchen As many of you already know, my dear Oma (German for grandmother) passed away a few months ago. At nearly 106 years old, I shouldn’t complain about the loss. But when it comes to matters of the heart, no amount of time is ever...
Koulourakia for Greek Easter

Koulourakia for Greek Easter

Koulourakia for Greek Easter We Greeks like to do things a bit differently. So, while most of the world has already celebrated Easter, we’re just getting started. In Greece, Easter easily surpasses Christmas as the biggest holiday of the year. Whole lambs are roasted...
Kourambiedes Greek Christmas Cookies

Kourambiedes Greek Christmas Cookies

Kourambiedes Greek Christmas Cookies Aside from family, friends, and amazing beaches, the other thing that I really miss about living in Greece:holiday cookies. Greek holiday cookies are nothing like American cookies, but don’t get me wrong, I love those, too....
Alice Medrich’s Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake

Alice Medrich’s Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake

As far as I’m concerned, chocolate mousse cake is a classic. Like chocolate chip cookies and brownies, it will never go out of fashion. This tricolor (a.k.a. triple mousse cake) requires a few more steps than the recipes I typically post. That said, we’re...